Industriak Zerbitzatzen dugu
- Jantziak eta jantziak
- LV zirkuituak
- Datuak eta Sarea
- Etxetresna Elektrikoak
- Instalazio Elektrikoetarako Materialak
- Elektronika
- Argiztapen industria
- Norbera Babesteko Ekipamendua
- Kirol Ekipamendua
- Tresnak eta Hardwarea
- Jostailuak eta gazteentzako produktuak
- Kableatu gailuak
- Eguzki uholde argia
- 0947 Series
- 0830 Series
- 0875 Series
- 0865 Series
- 0856 Series
- 0918 Series
- 0310 Series
- 0845 Series
- Eguzki kaleko argia
CCTV stands for closed-circuit television, also knowns as video surveillance. At Quality Defender, our qualified inspectors have extensive experiences on the two common types of cameras systems: Analog and IP-based cameras, however nearly all new CCTV systems nowadays are digital/IP running over Ethernet cabling which have many advantages over traditional analogue/coaxial systems.
Our expertise on CCTV system pays high attention to the overall system running quality of the CCTV products during our inspections. The key points of the inspection for CCTV products mainly include:
● Ebazpena
● Low Light Sensitivity
● Lenses Specification
● Focus Adjustment
● Frame Rate
● Audio Capability
● Physical System Setup
● Software Configuration Test
● Day and Night Scenario Test
● Verify Claims to Unique/Special Features